The Best Thing I Ever Did

The Best Thing I Ever Did

Before I got my first dog I wondered for quite a while about it.  Would I be a good pet parent?  Would the dog be happy?  Would taking care of a dog be too much for me?  But when I took the plunge and found a 5 year old Maltese available for adoption on, it turned out to be the best thing I ever did.  Why?  Because the dog made my family and myself so happy.  The dog brought joy into our lives every day. 

I know that a dog or for that matter any pet is not right for everyone.  One obviously has to have love in their heart and some people don't have any to spare. 

But I say that it is the best thing that I ever did because to this day I am still joyful when I think about things the dog did to entertain himself and us, and it brings a smile to my face.  Even though that dog has passed years ago, he still brings happiness, and there are few things in life have the power to make us happy long after they're gone.